



police officer - 指代一般的警察,可以是交警、刑警或其他类型的警察。

例句:The police officer was patrolling the area.


The Police - 这是一个知名的摇滚乐队,而不是指代真正的警察。

例句:The Police are scheduled to perform at the concert.


Police Academy - 指警察学校或警校,与实际的警察机构不同。

例句:He attended the Police Academy to become a police officer.


police station - 警察局,是警察办公的地方。

例句:The police station is located on Main Street.


secret police - 秘密警察,通常是指执行秘密任务的警察机构,如特工或情报人员。

例句:The secret police have been monitoring the suspect's activities.


Thought Police - 思想警察,通常出现在文学作品中,负责监视和控制人们的思想。

例句:In the novel 1984, the Thought Police control the population through psychological manipulation.


police rank - 警衔,表示警察的职位级别。

例句:He has a high police rank and commands a lot of respect within the force.



police action - 指警察采取的行动或措施,如逮捕、搜查等。

例句:The police action was taken to ensure public safety during the festival.


Police Boundaries - 警界线,指警方管辖的范围或界限。

例句:The Police Boundaries are clearly defined to ensure effective law enforcement.

